Monday, October 4, 2010

Make friends with ugly people, so you stand out in a crowd!


Saturday night I had the pleasure of attending a live music concert that had two bands that I've liked for sometime. The sound, the image and the overall atmosphere of the event has changed my perception of live music for the most part. Upon attending only a small selection of live music events in my time, I can safely say with the combination of urban scenery and crowd pleasing effects, (as Joe was admiring in the photo above), the night was a success. Cheap drinks and a gorgeous-looking groove partner, I can safely say I was a happy, drunken sod by the end of it.  From this wonderful event it made me wonder as to how much we rely on "liveness" or the "instant." 

As a supporter of music I can imagine that everyone is striving to hear what's new and what's hot. This sort of phenomena spans to all sorts of outlets like fashion, technology and assorted consumer products. This consumer driven life and expectancy we have on the world, was brought to my attention when I thought of how much we as a society has accomplished. We can listen to music almost instantly once it's uploaded to iTunes. We have this passion to "listen to bands that don't even exist yet." We can sit on a plane, watch a movie and go to the bathroom and in that time, we would have arrived in a total new location. And yet, it's not enough?

My parents and my two siblings, flew down to Sydney to accompany and support my brother in his texting competition that was held a week ago. He reluctantly achieved runner up by 0.4 seconds against some guy, I don't know his name. But after it all my brother still kept the title of "Fastest Texter in Queensland," which is fantastic. When they all arrived back in Brisbane, my parents we're telling me their time on the plane down to Sydney. A fantastic story about how the planes were installed with the "latest, fastest, bestest internet, free for passengers to enjoy." As they were telling me this I thought, wow, thats great, we can now tell people instantly on facebook, that we're flying across the tip of Australia.

Being an inexperienced plane-flyer I didn't know this sort of technology was around, nor did my parents or siblings. As they were telling me this, my brother exclaimed that "Oh, but it was total bullshit, because it wasn't working and it was crap rah rah..." I thought, before you got on the plane, you didn't even know this quick Internet existed? Yet, you exclaim that its bullshit like the world owed you something. Its hilarious how much we take for granted. I'd see my brother on his phone going, "Oh man, its not working, stupid net!" Give it a second man! It's going to space! It's a big process. 

But as I write this, I am a victim of being the ignorant little brat that abuses the amazing technologically advanced world. 


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